WereBears on a tree, by the looks of things

WereBear Story Tapes

Because of the rarity of the WereBear story tapes, I've decided to digitise them for the good of mankind. Due to their age, and the fact they've come off cassette tape and then converted to digital, the quality varies quite a lot. However, if you've never heard the stories before (or you want to relive your youth) then I don't think that this will affect your enjoyment of them!

Background Story / Introduction (2.1MB)

Fang (2.67MB)

Grizzler (2.04MB)

Growler (part 1) (3.78MB)

Growler (part 2) (3.47MB)

Howler (2.17MB)

Gums (2.46MB)

A huge thanks goes out to Ed without whose immense generosity, after seeing my plea for a copy of it on this website, I would never have got a copy of the Gums storytape.

Terror Ted Background Story (3.3MB)

Grunt (Terror Ted) (1.98MB)

Chomp (Terror Ted) (2.34MB)

Munch (Terror Ted) (2.51MB)

Snapper (Terror Ted) (2.62MB)

Another enormous thanks goes out to Elaine (you should chekc out her excellent fan art here), who very kindly provided the stories for Chomp, Munch and Snapper to complete this collection!